Fat Dissolving Treatment in Las Vegas, NV

Fat Dissolving Treatment

Kybella® injections aim to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fullness associated with chin fat.

The only injectable treatment of its kind is Kybella. Studies and clinical trials indicate that this FDA-approved drug is an excellent alternative to liposuction. It offers a non-surgical, no down-time approach to stubborn double-chin fat called submental fullness. Aside from its proven safety and efficiency, Kybella offers consistent results and minimal downtime.

Despite the fact that Kybella works differently from surgical liposuction, it can achieve long-lasting results. It destroys fat-storing cells’ membranes. Fat cannot be stored in these cells after they have been destroyed. The body’s natural healing and elimination process takes place within four to six weeks, and fat deposits are significantly reduced or eliminated.

The most significant benefit of Kybella is that it works. As a result of treatment, patients feel more confident about their appearance since they no longer have a double chin. The face looks thinner and may even appear younger without excess fat. In most cases, patients feel more confident about their appearance thanks to the combination of improvements.

More questions? Visit the Fat Dissolving Treatment FAQs

Before & After


As a synthetic deoxycholic acid, KYBELLA® contains deoxycholic acid, according to the KYBELLA® website. A natural substance produced by the body that aids in digestion and fat absorption. Under the chin, KYBELLA® reduces fullness by destroying fat cells when injected into fat the chin. Once removed, these cells cannot store or retain fat any longer, so further therapy does not need to be performed after reaching your aesthetic goals.

Good things take time. Noticeable results take between 60-90 days. However, the full effect of the treatment typically becomes evident after about six months, as your body continues to heal and adapt.

Depending on the patient, treatment may require several sessions. Schedule a consultation to discuss your submental fat distribution and amount. A maximum of six KYBELLA® treatment sessions should be given one month apart. It is possible for some patients to see satisfactory results after just one round of injections, however, most require 3 to 4 sessions to eliminate excess fat cells fully. In clinical studies, only 59% of patients received six treatments. Package pricing is available!

Bruising, swelling, or numbness is common. You should give yourself at least two weeks’ notice before any events or vacations. During this time, it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions for care and avoid strenuous activities to ensure proper healing.


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